Maret 2018

Why is the Fifth National Working Meeting in Wanua Koha?   

  Wanua Koha, in the Mandolang Subdistrict, is one part of the Tobulu Pineleng indigenous community in Minahasa, North Sulawesi. Wanua Koha (or Koha village) has inherited the traditions of daily life in the Minahasan community. One tradition that still continues is Mapalus, the tradition of gotong-royong or mutual help. For Nedine Helena Sulu, who is also a member of the AMAN National Council and a member of Barisan Pemuda Adat Nusantara (AMAN’s indigenous youth wing organisation),

Fortress Moraya Location Celebration  Hari Kebangkitan Masyarakat Adat Nusantara 2018 and  19th Anniversary SAFE

Celebrations for the Indigenous Peoples’ Day of Resurrection (HKMAN) 2018 and the 19th anniversary of the Indigenous Peoples Alliance of the Archipelago (AMAN) will be held at Benteng Moraya, Tondano in North Sulawesi on March 17 2018. This location was chosen for the historic triumphs of the Minahasans against Dutch colonialists and their attempts to conquer Minahasa land a few centuries ago. Tondano is the capital of Minahasa District, a

Fifth AMAN National Working Meeting will be held in Wanua Koha

The National Working Meeting of the Fifth Congress of the Indigenous Peoples Alliance of the Archipelago will be held once more on 14-17 March 2018 in Wanua Koha, Minahasa District, North Sulawesi Province, with the theme “Strengthening the Organisation to Ensure the Fulfillment of Indigenous Peoples’ Rights by the State in realising political sovereignty, economic independence and cultural dignity.” The Fifth AMAN National Working Meeting (or Rakernas) is one of the decision-making mechanisms mandated by

Kawasaran dance welcomes the arrival of the Secretary General of AMAN in Minahasa

As the sounds of prayer followed the break of dawn on Sunday 11th March 2018, the beating of drums and screams of Kawasaran dancers broke the silence of Sam Ratulangi International Airport in Manado, North Sulawesi. The Minahasa dancers, dressed in traditional adat outfits, were at the airport to greet Rukka Sombolinggi, the Secretary General of the Indigenous Peoples Alliance of the Archipelago (Secretary General of AMAN), who had just set

Tarian Kawasaran sambut kedatangan Sekjen AMAN di Tanah Minahasa

Syair-syair untaian doa menyambut fajar, Minggu (11/3/2017). Tambur dan pekikan penari Kawasaran menyapa kesunyian Bandara Internasional Sam Ratulangi Manado. Tokoh adat Minahasa tampak menyalami Sekretaris Jenderal Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara (Sekjen AMAN), Rukka Sombolinggi, yang baru saja menginjakkan kakinya di Tanah Adat Minahasa. “Penyambutan adat oleh para penari Kawasaran ini ingin menjelaskan bahwa Masyarakat Adat di tanah Minahasa sebagai makawale (tuan dan nyonya rumah) pelaksanaan Rapat Kerja Nasional AMAN menerima


Dalam rangka peringatan hari perempuan sedunia tanggal 8 Maret, sayap organisasi AMAN, yaitu PEREMPUAN AMAN turun ke jalan bersama 2000  masyarakat sipil menuntut perhatian pemerintah Indonesia akan pemenuhan hak-hak sipil yang belum memadai. Telah diakui secara luas, masyarakat adat merupakan salah satu bagian dari kelompok yang paling dipinggirkan dan rentan. Di berbagai masyarakat adat, para perempuan seringkali mewakili katagori yang paling dirugikan. Meskipun status para perempuan adat bervariasi di berbagai