Merespon peningkatan penyebaran virus corona atau COVID-19 di Indonesia yang semakin mengkhawatirkan, Sekretaris Jenderal AMAN telah mengeluarkan surat intruksi Nomor : 005/Instruksi/Sekjend-AMAN/III/2020 kepada komunitas-komunitas Masyarakat Adat, Pengurus, Organisasi Sayap, Badan Otonom, Badan Usaha dan Kader AMAN untuk melakukan langkah-langkah pencegahan melalui ‘Lockdown’ dan menutup semua Rumah AMAN.
Dalam menghadapi pandemi COVID-19 yang semakin meluas ini, AMAN telah mengembangkan sistem kesiapsiagaan dengan pendataan kondisi Komunitas Masyarakat Adat, Kader dan Staff melalui aplikasi form/kuisioner “AMANkanCovid19”. Aplikasi ini adalah alat untuk mendata dan mempersiapkan diri terhadap kemungkinan terburuk akibat dampak dari penyebaran COVID-19. Data yang dikumpulkan akan dianalisis untuk strategi penanganan lebih lanjut.
Mohon kerjasamanya bagi komunitas-komunitas Masyarakat Adat, pengurus serta kader untuk dapat meluangkan waktu mengisi form/kuisioner ini dengan cara menginstal aplikasi AMANkanCovid19 dan mengisi data sesuai kondisi di tempat masing-masing.
Langkah-langkah menginstal aplikasi AMANkanCovid19 sebagai berikut;
1. Download Aplikasi
2. Download Petunjuk Instalasi Aplikasi
Isi Form Langsung
4. Download di Whatsapp Grup AMAN

Koordinator & Narahubung:
1.Annas Radin Syarif (Ketua Tanggap Darurat AMAN),
No HP/Wa: 085777401724,
email :
2.Rainny Situmorang (Direktur Operasional dan Managemen),
No HP/Wa : 08121100303,
email :

Call for Donation: Helping the Indigenous Peoples Fight Against COVID-19

Indigenous Peoples are among the most vulnerable to COVID-19. Those without secure tenure, and particularly those whose lands have been seized and are forced to live as palm oil farmers are among the MOST THREATENED because of their simultaneous interconnections to global supply chains, and the lack of state health care and services.

Indigenous Peoples have undertaken various initiatives in response to COVID-19 including rituals, independent quarantines, lockdown of indigenous territories, ensuring food reserves, producing local medicines, and growing short-term food crops. Also, Village Chiefs in Indigenous Peoples’ communities, particularly women and young schools leaders, continue together to fight COVID-19.

Indigenous Peoples who still live in harmony with nature are now proven to have adequate food supplies. In the spirit of reciprocity, Indigenous Peoples with Food surpluses are voluntarily supporting fellow Indonesians who lack food. Localized, protected indigenous ecosystems have global importance, and can be the foundation of a more resilient Indonesian archipelago.

At the same time, Organisations’ leaders living in big cities face the direct threat of COVID-19 while continuing to lead Indigenous Peoples.

The AMAN Emergency Response Unit continues to work hard collecting data, recruiting volunteers, and strengthening its service strategies. Logistics, transportation, communication, food, shortage of PPE equipment and disinfectants are major challenges today.

Support from all parties is needed. Please Donate.

Detail of Bank Account:

Name of Account: Yayasan Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara
Name of bank: Bank Mandiri, KCP Pejaten, Jakarta
Address of bank: Jl. Warung Jati Barat No.15 A, Pejaten
City: Jakarta Selatan
Country: Indonesia
Account Number: 1270006570905

Via Paypal :
Note: #ProtectOurVillage

Address of AMAN:
Jl. Tebet Timur Dalam Raya No. 11A, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
Telp: +62218297954 (office)
Contact: Annas Radin Syarif : +62 857-7740-1724 (mobile)