San Francisco

Guiding Principles for Collaboration and Partnership Between Subnational Governments, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities – In 2014, Governors from the member states and provinces of the Governors’ Climate and Forests Task Force (GCF Task Force) adopted the landmark Rio Branco Declaration (RBD) at the GCF Task Force Annual Meeting in Rio Branco, Brazil. The RBD commits GCF Task Force members to reducing deforestation and promoting sustainable, low-emissions economic development across state and provincial jurisdictions while forging partnerships and sharing benefits with indigenous peoples

Prinsip-prinsip Kolaborasi Gubernur dan Negara Anggota GCF dengan Masyarakat Adat dan Komunitas Lokal – Pada 2014, para Gubernur dari negara dan provinsi anggota Satuan Tugas Gubernur untuk Iklim dan Hutan (Governors’ Climate and Forests Task Force/GCF Task Force) mengadopsi Deklarasi Rio Branco (Rio Branco Declaration/RDB) pada Pertemuan Tahunan GCF Task Force di Rio Branco, Brasil.  Melalui RBD, GCF Task Force berkomitmen untuk mengurangi deforestasi dan mendorong pembangunan ekonomi berkelanjutan dan rendah emisi di seluruh yurisdiksi negara bagian dan provinsi sembari menjalin

AMAN Secretary General's Closing Speech at Global Climate Action Summit

Good afternoon, I would like to begin by acknowledging the Ohlone and Coast Miwak Peoples on whose ancestral lands we now gather. Indigenous peoples and governments don’t have a great history. But we are rewriting history so that we have a bright future together. It hasn’t always been easy, but earlier this week, we took a big step forward. On Monday, a global coalition of indigenous peoples, local communities, and subnational governments

Rise for Climate March, AMAN: Adopt Indigenous Peoples Bill

San Francisco, – Indigenous Peoples from across the globe joined the crowd of 30.000 people in a march against climate change on the route to Global Climate Action Summit in the downtown of San Francisco, Saturday (8/9). All participants brought their attributes and some of them dressed up uniquely to echo their common message: reduce GHG emission to combat climate change. Indigenous Peoples and members of local communities participated

Parade Iklim Global, AMAN: Sahkan RUU Masyarakat Adat

San Francisco, – Masyarakat Adat bersama 30.000-an massa melakukan aksi parade dalam rangka Global Climate Action Summit di jantung kota San Francisco, Sabtu (8/9). Seluruh peserta merias penampilan masing-masing dengan maksud menyampaikan pesan bersama: kurangi kenaikan perubahan iklim. baca juga: Menagih Komitmen Deklarasi Rio Branco Masyarakat Adat yang tertibat dalam aksi parade ini di antaranya delegasi AMAN bersama-sama dengan Masyarakat Adat dari Brazil, Mesoamerika dan Amerika Latin. Semuanya tergabung